Alex Rodgers ‘19 | University of Portland

Alex Rodgers ‘19

Sales and Marketing Intern at KemperSports - Chambers Bay

Alex Rodgers“My internship responsibilities include the development and implementation of sales and marketing strategies, plans, and programs. I love my internship because of the fast-past environment and I get experience in business management, sports and event marketing, and digital media optimization. My favorite moment during my internship was sitting in on a manager’s meeting to review and edit a beta-version of the upcoming Chambers Bay app. I was able to gain a better understanding of the application-development process, as well as what consumers were looking for in regard to an informational tool to use while on course.  

I have been working at Chambers Bay since the summer of the 2015 U.S. Open Championship. I have garnered so much knowledge from the administrative team as well as encouragement from the staff, well before I began my new title. Within the last month, I have gained a number of insights about the golfing industry. Through this awareness, I have been able to create content to better market the company, increase sales and customize media that reaches the niche market of golfers seeking a spectacular round.

Internships are a crucial part of the higher education process; especially for business majors. Gaining real-world experience with administrative tasks and inter-personal communication can help students in the long-term when applying for jobs after graduation. It can also give students a clearer understanding of what field they wish to work in.”