Faculty-Led Study Abroad | University of Portland

Faculty-Led Study Abroad


The co-creation and implementation of well-organized overseas courses that incorporate diversity, equity, inclusion, justice centered values and processes which make the facilitation of and participation in overseas courses accessible to faculty and students from all disciplines. Supporting the design of responsible, affordable, partnership-supported, credit-granting, and host country-centered experiences by UP faculty is at the center of the Study Abroad Office's approach to supporting internationalization at UP. 


  • Promote and administer clear, digitized, and institutionally supported processes that enhance and streamline faculty-led study abroad
  • Encourage faculty of any discipline to consider incorporating the high impact practice of studying abroad into their department's curriculum
  • Increase access to and inclusion of minoritized students in UP study abroad

Click HERE to view the timeline for faculty-led courses abroad. 

Please keep checking back as this site updates with new information.

Updated 5.25.23