Toolkit | University of Portland


Green Dot thrives on action. There are two types of Green Dots:

  • Reactive: The moments when we step in and intervene to stop violence
  • Proactive: The steps we take to reset our campus norms and establish that 1) our community is not compatible and does not tolerate violence, and 2) everyone is expected to do their part. 

Proactive Green Dots sound small and really simple, some take even less than two minutes. They might not feel like much, but when we do something, and when we get our friends to do something, and they get their friends to do something, that adds up and it will result in culture change. Below is are some ideas and examples of things you can do today. To start, we encourage you to treat it as a checklist of low-hanging fruit. Again, most things can be done today and in two minutes. If everyone on our campus does these things, they will collectively establish what we stand for at the University of Portland. Join us in taking an active stance against violence.

What can I do, today, to show my stance against violence?

  • Sign up to get notified about our next full bystander training:
  • Ask your friends to attend the full bystander training
  • Wear a Green Dot pin on your jacket
  • Put a Green Dot pin on your backpack
  • Find ways to bring it into your classes, clubs, and residence hall
  • Put a poster or sticker on your door and windows
  • Put a poster or sticker in common areas, hallways, and bathrooms
  • Put a sticker on your laptop
  • Add Green Dot to your email signature (see for ideas)
  • Add Green Dot to your social media bio
  • Create passive engagement opportunities e.g. a question on a whiteboard or bulletin board
  • Reference Green Dot in monthly emails, newsletters, bathroom stall flyers
  • Share a story or a video link about bystander intervention
  • Create a Green Dot strategic plan for your club, residence hall, athletic team, organization, etc.
  • Schedule and develop programs and engagement opportunities for key activation times
  • Select a trusted staff or student leader to focus specifically on Green Dot in your organization
  • Add Green Dot as an ongoing agenda item for leadership meetings
  • Consider other digital spaces, physical spaces, and areas within your sphere of influence
  • If you're hosting a gathering, hang posters to communicate that you won't tolerate sexual violence. Post safety and emergency information. Ask several friends to join you in keeping an eye out for situations at high risk for violence.  

Sample Activation Times

Below are some suggested times and opportunities to highlight and refresh our community on our expectations related to violence, that it is 1) not tolerated in our community and homes, and 2) everyone is expected to do their part. 

  • The first few weeks of the semester. Colleges across the country see high reports of interpersonal and sexual violence this time. This is a critical time to emphasize our bystander intervention and sexual violence prevention efforts.
    • Opening and move-in preparations in residence halls
    • All new/first-year residence hall meetings (Orientation Weekend) 
    • All-hall residence hall meetings (first 2 weeks)
    • RA wing meetings
  • September 2, Riverboat
  • October, Domestic Violence Awareness Month
  • October 31, Halloween
  • TBA, Fall Dance
  • December, end of the semester
  • February, Valentine’s Day
  • March, St. Patrick’s Day
  • TBA, Spring Dance (Dance of the Decades)
  • April, Sexual Assault Awareness Month
  • April, end of the semester

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