Get Involved

Take advantage of all UP has to offer. You’ll find it easy to try something new or hone your skills in one of our more than 90 active clubs on campus. Join in on the University’s student government, participate in student media on campus, or volunteer your time with the Moreau Center for Service and Justice.


Clubs & Organizations

There are more than 80 student clubs at UP. Here's a small sample:

Art Club • Beta Beta Beta (biology club) • Black Student Union • Bluffoons (improv troupe) • College Ecology Club • Engineers without Borders • Fashion Club • German Culture Club • Hawai'i Club • Lacrosse • Student Nurses Association • Ultimate Frisbee • UP Marketing Club 

More about clubs & organizations


Student Government

All full-time undergraduate students are members of the Associated Students of the University of Portland (ASUP), and there are 17 senators who represent the interests of the student body. The weekly meetings are a public forum, and all members of the University are invited to attend.

More about ASUP


Student Media

Help tell UP's story--participate in student media! The Beacon is UP's online student newspaper; KDUP is the campus radio station streaming online; and The Log is the official student yearbook.

More about student media


Moreau Center for Service and Justice

The Moreau Center for Service and Justice offers a variety of opportunities to engage with the community—locally, regionally, and internationally—and learn about critical social issues. In the days leading up to Orientation, the Plunge Into Your Neighborhood experience immerses first-year students in their new community. There are more "immersions" during fall, winter, spring, and summer breaks. The Moreau Center can help you connect with a community partner whose mission and outreach resonates with you.

More about the Moreau Center for Service and Justice