Undergraduate Research

Undergraduate research is a student-faculty collaboration to examine, create, and share new knowledge or works in ways commensurate with practices in the discipline. In many instances, the student is joining the faculty member in research that is a part of the faculty member’s scholarship agenda. In addition to exposing students to an enhanced pedagogical environment, these collaborations will assist students in honing their skills and discerning their career path and future direction.

The Office of Undergraduate Scholarly Engagement is a resource providing opportunities for University of Portland students to engage in research and creative activities by encouraging and supporting faculty and student partnerships. The office exists to oversee the undergraduate research experience across the University by ensuring that students have a coherent and quality experience with clearly defined learning objectives and expected outcomes.

503.943.8264 | ur@up.edu

The Office of Undergraduate Scholarly Engagement is open Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

We are located in Buckley Center 114.