Mercedes Oliva, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, Psychological Sciences

Mercedes Oliva

Mercedes Oliva earned her Ph.D. from the University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC) and her bachelor’s degree from Wellesley College. As a cognitive psychologist, she investigates the many cognitive mechanisms that contribute to creative thinking and problem-solving. Her work also seeks to understand the ways in which these mechanisms may vary (a) by population, like for those with ADHD, (b) according to individual differences, as in executive function, and (c) by context, like when using the internet or artificial intelligence. Among other projects, she is currently investigating how components of executive function may relate to mental fixation and creative thinking. In her teaching, Mercedes strives to implement the current research in two ways: in terms of course content such that students are always kept up to date on modern findings, and in terms of course design such that students can expect to participate in learning strategies that research has shown to be effective. Mercedes attended a liberal arts college herself and is excited to return to that environment.