Event Publicity | University of Portland

Event Publicity

Planning a big event and need help getting the word out? There are many resources on campus to help you connect with the right audience.

  • Reserve space on campus through EMS. If your event is open to the entire campus community or to the public, make sure you select Yes to the question "Would you like this event posted on the University Calendar?" when you make your event reservation so your event will display on campus calendars. Be sure to provide an event description and include 1) ticket prices or admission costs; 2) how to purchase tickets or RSVP; and 3) a telephone number and email address for more information.
  • Do you need postcards, posters, or flyers? Check the Toolkit for DIY templates, or contact us to start a creative brief and request design assistance from marketing.
  • Notify upbeat. In most cases, upbeat will run a story in the faculty/staff online newsletter one-two weeks in advance of the event and a second story the week of an event. Exceptions are made for major events with nationally or internationally renowned speakers. upbeat is published every Monday; submissions must be received by noon the Thursday prior to publication. Submissions failing to meet the deadline may not be published.
  • For internal events, place a notice in My Announcements on pilots.up.edu. Contact the administrative assistant of your vice president for assistance. 
  • Request services from the student-run on-campus advertising agency, ADvantage. ADvantage can create flyers, A-frame posters, slides for campus TVS, table tents, and more.
  • Ask for media assistance. Contact the Office of Public Affairs for expert advice about local news and web resources that can help you reach a wider outside audience for your event.
  • Use social media. Use the official social media channels maintained by your department, or contact us for advice about using targeted advertising to reach your audience.