First-Year Jump Start

Want to get a jump-start on your college courses? During both summer sessions, the University of Portland offers introductory-level courses for incoming first-year students. Many of these courses fulfill University core requirements.

To qualify for summer admission, incoming first-year students need to be accepted to the University. Incoming first-year students registering for summer must register as "non-matriculating" students and maintain their admission date in the fall so as not to jeopardize their financial aid. Most types of financial aid cannot be applied to summer school. However, summer tuition is discounted in comparison to tuition during the academic year.

Students admitted to the Shiley School of Engineering may be eligible for scholarship funding to complete MTH 112: Precalculus at UP this summer. To learn more, please contact Faculty Fellow for Recruitment and Retention, Dr. Shaz Vijlee (

Some examples of courses that may be offered include:

BIO 103 - Human Biology (online)
BIO 208 - Introduction to Evolution and Ecology (online)
CHM 207 and 208 - General Chemistry I and II (online or in-person)
ENG 107 - College Writing
ENG 112 - Thinking Through Literature
ENV 162 - Introduction to the Oceans
FA 108 - The Creative Process in Performative Art (online)
HST 211 - Who is America: The Modern U.S. (online)
HST 220 - Search for Justice (online)
MTH 112 - Precalculus (online)
MTH 161 - Elementary Statistics (online)
MTH 201 and 202 Calculus I and II (online)
MUS 411 HIstory of Rock and Roll (online)
PHL 150 - Engaging Philosophy (online)
PHL 220 - Engaging Ethics (online)
PHY 204 and PHY 205 - General Physics I and II (online)
SPN 201 and SPN 202 - Intermediate Spanish (online, 3 weeks each class)
SW 101 - Social Work and Social Justice
THE 105 - Engaging Ultimate Questions: Religion, Faith, and Ethics
THE 205 - Biblical Texts in Global Contexts