Who can receive Communion blessings? | University of Portland

Who can receive Communion blessings?

Members of the UP community are welcome to attend and participate in the Mass whenever it is offered on campus. For those who are not Catholic or for any reason do not receive Communion at Mass, there is an option for coming forward to receive a blessing.

One would approach the minister in the line with everyone else and upon arriving at the front of the line can place a hand on your chest or cross arms over your chest. At this point the minister will offer the greeting, “May Christ be with you.” You may respond with an, “Amen” or simply follow the line back to the pew.

The reception of Communion at a Catholic Mass indicates a faith in the true presence of Christ Jesus in the Eucharist as well as a commitment to communion with the Catholic Church. While it can be difficult to be at Mass and unable to receive Communion, it is also important to allow the act of reception to reflect that commitment to Communion. It is also important to note that there are significant levels of participation that happen whether or not one receives Communion. It is good to have everyone present participating to the full level that they are able.