What's the difference between religious brothers and priests?

Many people are afraid to ask the question. “What’s a Brother, anyway?” It’s a perfectly good question to ask at any time one feels so inclined to put it out there.

The “Brother” in the Catholic Church is a man who is vowed to poverty, celibacy, and obedience like any priest who is a member of a religious congregation like Holy Cross. In the Congregation of Holy Cross, the brothers and priests live together in community and follow the same “constitutions” or rules. All are involved in various ministries in fulfillment of the vowed commitment. So, what is the difference between priests and brothers?

All priests are ordained by the Sacrament of Holy Orders to administer the Sacraments of the Catholic Church. The priest is called to this important ministry and fulfills it in a variety of ways and places.

Brothers do not feel called to receive the Sacrament of Holy Orders and therefore do not administer the Sacraments of the Catholic Church. The brother is called to minister in other ways. Many Holy Cross brothers have been involved in educational ministries of our congregation.