Prevention, Education and Training

class taking place outside

Find Events and Training Opportunities

Log into Engage and search the category "Wellness Education" to find upcoming events and trainings around sexual assault prevention, bystander intervention and many other related topics. Send suggestions for topics that are not represented but that you feel are important to include to the Health and Counseling Center at
students at table

Green Dot

Green Dot is an anti-violence initiative aimed at decreasing and preventing the occurrence of power-based personal violence, including dating and domestic violence, stalking, sexual assault and other forms of harassment, threat and intimidation toward an individual. Green Dot at UP aims to promote a culture of Pilot Care by helping students understand the strategies and tools they can use to prevent power-based personal violence in their own ways on campus. No one has to do everything, but everyone has to do something.

To get involved, nominate a social leader, or request a presentation/training, please email

students talking

Wellness Ambassador Program

Make a difference in your community and join the Ambassador Program!

Wellness Ambassadors help foster a healthy environment within the residence halls by connecting their peers with mental and physical health and wellness resources that allow each member of our community to thrive and sustain the challenges, rigors, and stress of pursuing an academic degree while living in intentional community in a university residence hall. Find out more about this volunteer position.

students talking

Peer Health Educators

Peer Health Educators are student employees who work with the Health and Counseling Center in outreach, advertising and programming. Contact the Health and Counseling Center for more information at

students against sexual assault

Students Against Sexual Assault (SASA)

The Students Against Sexual Assault (SASA) Organization aims to eliminate the culture of sexual violence within our campus community, by educating the campus about the issue of sexual assault; specifically regarding topics of consent, as well as through creating dialogue and proactive events. SASA hope to end many of the stigmas surrounding sexual assault; such as victim blaming, fear of reporting, and labeling of survivors.

Care for survivors of sexual assault (scroll to the bottom of the page, to view videos discussing the confidential health and counseling services that we offer to survivors of sexual assault and other interpersonal violence).

Contact SASA via email at sasa@up.eduFacebook or Instagram.

Affiliation: The University of Portland is part of the larger It’s On Us campaign that is a national movement to end sexual assault on college campuses.

Waldschmidt hall

Interpersonal Violence Prevention Advisory Committee

Formerly the Title IX Advisory Committee, the name of the committee has changed to the Interpersonal Violence Prevention (IVP) Advisory Committee.  Monthly meeting is open to students, staff and faculty.

Meeting Minutes

Title IX Personnel Training Information 

In compliance with 34 CFR §106.45(b)(10)(i)(D) issued by the U.S. Department of Education to amend the regulations implementing Title IX of the Educational Amendments Act of 1972, University of Portland has made publicly available the minimum training materials used to train the University’s Title IX Coordinator(s), investigators, decision-makers and other personnel involved in administering the Title IX Sexual Harassment Policy.

University of Portland’s Title IX Personnel have or will have at a minimum, and prior to participating in the administration of the Title IX Sexual Harassment Policy, in-person or online virtual training that complies with these regulations. The below training information/materials have been shared to comply with federal regulations which went into effect on August 14, 2020; they do not represent all trainings/education received by Title IX Coordinators, investigators, decision-makers, and other personnel involved in administration of the Title IX Sexual Harassment Policy.

The posted training materials are proprietary of their creators and are licensed to the licensee only, for its use. These training materials have been posted publicly on a website, in compliance to 34 CFR park 106.45(b)(10). Copying or adapting these training materials without the explicit consent of their creator is prohibited.

Training Information:

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