Resources for Complainants

Make a report

For situations involving sexual or gender-based harassment, misconduct, and violence, a student who is the alleged victim/survivor is referred to as the “complainant” or the "reporting party."

If you have experienced sexual harassment, dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking—whether the offense occurred on or off campus—there are multiple resources available to you. The following explains what you can do and includes a list of these resources.

REMEMBER, sexual harassment, dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking are criminal acts and you are NOT responsible for another’s act that violates your freedom. These are violations of both the law and UP’s Student Code of Conduct.

If you have experienced sexual harassment, dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking, know that UP is here to help and is able to take certain protective measures to ensure your safety on campus during and after a university investigation.

What should I do if I experience sexual harassment, misconduct or assault?

  1. Assess your physical safety. Reach out to those in your support system so they can help you get to a safe place.  If you are not safe, call Campus Safety 503.943.4444 or 911 immediately.

  2. Remember that what happened to you was not your fault.

  3. If necessary seek medical attention. Even with no physical injuries, it is important to determine the risks of STDs and pregnancy. 

    Off-campus (with option for forensic evidence collection)

    If you would like to be medically checked with the option of forensic evidence collection process, visit the Legacy Emanuel Emergency Room or another ER. Individual counseling and medical care is provided by SANE (Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner) trained nurses. Testing and treatment for STIs, pregnancy testing, and treatment of injuries is offered at no cost to survivors as students are eligible for ER visits to be covered by an emergency fund called Sexual Assault Victims Emergency (SAVE) Fund. This fund will cover expenses up to 168 hours post-assault, even if a student does not request a forensic exam or want to report to law enforcement. This fund will also cover treatment, emergency contraception and testing. There is also a Crime Victims Compensation Fund for those students who choose to report to law enforcement.

    On-campus (not able to perform forensic evidence collection)

    The Health and Counseling Center offer emotional support & physical exams but do not perform forensic/SANE exams. Services are at no additional cost.

    The Health and Counseling Center offers:

    - STD testing with prophylactic treatment per CDC guidelines. All antibiotics necessary for treatment are available at the Center.

    - Pregnancy testing when appropriate

    - Referral for emergency contraception which is over-the-counter (no prescription needed). This emergency contraception is recommended but not available at the Health & Counseling Center.

    - Referral for mental health services, as well as campus & community resources.

    -Counseling services.

    Remember that you can utilize both on-campus and off-campus resources as necessary. 

  4. Know what your reporting options are. 

    We recognize that deciding to report sexual misconduct and choosing how to proceed are difficult decisions. We recognize that your feelings about whether to report an incident and how to proceed may change over time. We support all survivors of sexual misconduct during this decision-making process. You may be uncertain at first about how to proceed. You may wish to speak with a confidential resource before deciding how to proceed.

    Although you can report sexual misconduct at any time, we encourage individuals to immediately report incidents of sexual misconduct. When making a report, you need not know what particular course of action to pursue or how to label what happened. You have several reporting options.

    The University strongly encourages immediate reporting of sexual misconduct to both the University and the police. These options are not mutually exclusive: you may pursue both internal and criminal reports simultaneously.  The Director of Campus Safety can assist in making a police report.

    We recommend making a report directly to the Title IX team or reaching out to the Health and Counseling Center, however these are not your only options. Below are some resources to whom you can make a report:

Title IX Office
800.745.3261 (Toll free) or 503.943.8982

HCC Staff and Counselors
HCC Website
Orrico Hall Lower Level

Residence Life Office
All staff at residence life including the director of residence life, residence life administrative office staff, hall directors, assistant hall directors, and resident assistants
Residence Life Website
Tyson Hall 123

Student Conduct Office, including:
Joshua Bode, Assistant Director for Student Conduct and Community Standards
Student Conduct Website
Tyson Hall 123

Campus Safety Office
All staff at Campus Safety including the director of campus safety, campus safety officers, and dispatchers, and any other Campus Safety staff member
Campus Safety Website
Haggerty Hall 100

Wondering what a Title IX investigation looks like?


Text-only version of the flowchart can be found here.

You may view visual overviews and process flowcharts here.

Learn about your choices when a Title IX report is submitted.

Our page 'What is Title IX' will give you in depth information on Title IX at the University of Portland, as well as a frequently asked questions.

You can read the full Sexual and Gender-Based Harassment, Misconduct, and Violence policy, which includes information regarding the student conduct process, informal, and formal resolutions.

Visit our resources page to find on-campus and off campus resources that can support you.