Required Syllabus Statements

2024-2025 Guidelines

All faculty members must provide students a syllabus on the course Moodle page, as a hard copy on the first day of class, or a combination of both. In keeping with the University’s commitment to the best pedagogical and assessment practices, as well as helping to create a welcoming environment for students, all course syllabi must include the statements on academic integrity, assessment disclosure, accessibility, mental health, non-violence, ethics of information, and the Learning Commons.

All syllabi must indicate the following:

  • Your office location, phone contact, and email address
  • Consider including your pronouns and for electronic syllabi, a photo
  • An explanation of how you use office hours in the context of the course along with information on when and how you will hold office hours (in-person, Teams, Zoom, combination, etc.)
  • Course purpose and learning objectives
  • Schedule of classes meetings and locations (if applicable)
  • Descriptions of assignments with due dates
  • Methods of Evaluation/Activities
  • Evaluation tools
  • Performance criteria, including attendance and participation expectations/guidelines
  • Grading standards or descriptors, including method of determining final grade
  • Policy for make-up exams and late assignments (Note: Pursuant to University policy, a student cannot be required to provide documentation of illness or family emergency.)
  • A “Course AI Policy” that explains the acceptable and unacceptable uses of AI technology in the course. To foster respect for the diversity of AI uses employed by instructors, the course policy should conclude with the following note: “This AI policy applies only to this course. For other courses, please follow those professors’ AI policies, which may differ from this one.”
  • For online courses only:
    • Explanation of course structure (all synchronous, combination of synchronous/asynchronous, etc.) and platform for delivery (Teams, Zoom, etc.)
    • Required technologies for students to be successful in the course
  • The full text of all required syllabus statements is in the 2024-2025 Guidelines and Requirements for Syllabi.

Requirements for University Core Course Syllabi

All Foundation-Level UP Core courses must include syllabus language that reflects the revitalized Core and includes one priority student learning outcome for the UP Core identified at the department level. All Exploration-Level Core courses should include syllabus language that highlights the multidisciplinary intentions of exploration-level courses. More information and the full required statements for Core courses is in the 2024-2025 Guidelines and Requirements for Syllabi.