2018 Opus Prize Finalists

Congratulations to Dr. Rami Nashashibi, who was awarded the 2018 Opus Prize for Chicago’s Inner-City Muslim Action Network.
photo of Dr. Rami Nashashibi

Dr. Rami Nashashibi of the Inner-City Muslim Action Network (IMAN) in Chicago, Illinois. 

Operating in a U.S.-city plagued by unrelenting gun-violence, IMAN has spent nearly two decades methodically implementing grass roots programs serving the most vulnerable families living in Chicago’s south side.

Learn more about Dr. Rami Nashashibi

photo of Daniel and Avitha Victor

Daniel and Avitha Victor of the Agape Rehabilitation Centre in Chennai, India

Agape was founded and is managed by Daniel and Avitha Victor, a married couple, who have spent their entire lives serving disabled teens and adults – a community of people who are often discarded in the Indian culture.

Learn more about Daniel and Avitha Victor

photo of José Antonio Patron Quispe and Rev. Daniel Panchot, C.S.

José Antonio Patrón Quispe and Rev. Daniel Panchot, C.S.C. of the Yancana Huasy in Lima, Peru

Established by Fr. Daniel and led today by José Antonio Patrón, Yancana Huasy works to integrate children and families with special needs into public schools, faith communities and neighborhoods.

Learn more about José Antonio Patrón Quispe and Rev. Daniel Panchot, C.S.C.

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