Internship Information for Faculty
Faculty members play an invaluable role to a student intern as a connector, resource and advisor during an internship search and experience.
Students who are searching for internships may ask faculty for advice on professional contacts to reach out to or about internship opportunities to explore. Faculty members play a key role in communicating experiential learning opportunities to students, while ensuring that these opportunities are valuable learning experiences.
Faculty members who are serving as an advisor in an internship for credit will provide supervision and monitor the intern throughout the duration of the experience which is an essential part of the learning.
The Career Education Center has resources below, many of which come from the National Association for Colleges and Employers (NACE). If you have questions, please contact the Career Education Center at internship@up.edu or call 503.943.8445.
Faculty Resources
- Internship Programs Under The Fair Labor Standards Act: Department of Labor Fact Sheet
- Intern Development and Meeting Topics for Faculty Supervisors
- The internship page for students is a great place to direct your students or browse yourself. There are also 3 subpages covering: finding an internship, internships for academic credit, and tips for maximizing an internship.