Career Education Center FAQs
For Students & Alumni
Where is the CEC & when are you open?
We are located in Franz Hall 110.
Our office hours are Monday - Friday from 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. We are open throughout the year, including during the summer.
What & when are Drop-In Hours?
During Drop-In Hours you can meet with a staff member for 15 minutes. No appointment is needed and they are first-come, first-served. This is a great place to get feedback on resumes and cover letters, get started on an internship or job search, learn how to use Handshake and LinkedIn, and answer any other career-related questions you may have. Hours are as follows:
- Monday | 2 – 4 p.m.
- Tuesday | 2 – 4 p.m.
- Wednesday | 2 – 4 p.m.
- Thursday | 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.
- Friday | 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Note: We do not have Drop-In Hours during Fall Break, Winter Break, Spring Break, or during the summer. Please schedule an appointment if you'd like to meet with us then. Alumni cannot attend Drop-In Hours but can make appointments with our office.
How do I schedule an appointment? What topics can we discuss?
Individual appointments can be scheduled by calling 503.943.7201 or scheduled online 24/7 using Handshake. Here are instructions for scheduling an appointment online.
Appointment Topics Include:
- Career Counseling
- Career Exploration
- Choosing/Changing a Major
- Applying to Graduate/Professional School
- Resume & Cover Letter Draft Review
- Job Search, Networking & LinkedIn
- How to Use Handshake
- Internship Search
- Interview Preparation
- Mock Interviews (Practice interview)
- Negotiating a Job Offer
- And more!
Where can I find job and internship postings?
If you are a student or alumni looking for a job or internship off-campus, visit UP's job and internship board, Handshake.
If you are a student looking for a job on-campus, visit the Student Job Board. The Office of Financial Aid maintains a student employment page, which contains many helpful resources.
If you are looking for a full-time position at the University of Portland, please visit the job board maintained by human resources.
- Where can I find information about CEC Events?
For Faculty & Staff
Will a CEC staff member present in my class or club meeting?
Please complete the Presentation Request Form with at least two weeks advance notice If you would like to have a staff member present in a class. Presentation requests are reviewed each Wednesday. We typically follow up on requests received by Tuesday evening on Wednesday afternoon.
What are some resources I can provide students seeking guidance?
- The UP Career Readiness Guide is a comprehensive student centered resource on career-related topics including career readiness competencies, career management model, and navigating college and career.
- The RATE tool is a digital self-assessment to help students capture and describe the value of their experiences and how they contribute to their career readiness and what employers and graduate schools seek.
- Through Handshake students can search for internships, part-time and full-time entry-level positions, schedule appointments with Career Education Center staff and access a variety of virtual and in-person events.
- StandOut is a mock interview practice tool that has over 3,500 interview questions. Faculty can also customize interview questions.
- Sample Faculty Reference Letter from the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE).
- Additional student focused resources on a variety of career topics can be found in the Career Resource Library in the left hand navigation.
For Employers
How do I contact the CEC?
Our email is and our phone number is 503.943.7201.
How do I post a job or internship?
To post part-time, full-time, or internship opportunities, please visit our Post a Position page, which gives details about how to post on UP's internship and job portal, Handshake.
If you have questions about posting opportunities, please contact the Career Education Center at 503.943.7201 or