The Chiles Center opens for guests 45 minutes before ceremony start-time.
Commencement ceremonies are approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes.
Graduates should leave valuables such as purses and keys with family members or guests.
Every graduate should be dressed in cap and gown at commencement.
Graduates should arrive in cap and gown,1 hour prior to ceremony start-time. Students will line up and receive procession instructions from commencement staff.
Commencement staff will direct graduates to the platform when it is time to cross the stage. Each graduate will receive a diploma case, presented by either the president or a member of the University of Portland Board of Regents.
A professional photographer will take photos of each graduate: one photo of the graduate lining up to receive their diploma, a second photo of the graduate receiving the diploma case, and a third of the graduate exiting the stage while holding the diploma case.
Families and guests should not approach the stage or stand in the aisles in the audience to take photos due to obstructing the view of others and for the safety of all guests. In such instances, guests will be asked to return to their seats.
Marshals will direct graduates out of the Chiles Center at the conclusion of the ceremony. Guests in attendance should remain at their seats until the conclusion of the ceremony.
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