Drop-In Hours & Appointments
24/7 Support
For immediate access to resources, check out our Career Resource Library. There you'll find information on career exploration, resumes and cover letters, interviewing, and more!
Drop-In Hours
Are you unsure where to start? Need a resume or cover letter review? Need to connect with the Career Education Center same-day, without scheduling an appointment?
Current students can stop by Drop-In Hours in Franz 110 for quick questions and conversations with a Career Education Center staff member!
Drop-In Hours are 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Monday - Wednesday and 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Thursday & Friday.
Note: We do not have Drop-In Hours during Fall Break, Winter Break, Spring Break, or during the summer. Please schedule an appointment if you'd like to meet with us then. Alumni can schedule appointments to get assistance.
Scheduling Appointments
The Career Education Center is open year-round. Appointments can be scheduled online 24/7 through Handshake (for students and recent alumni), by calling 503.943.7201, or in Franz 110 during office hours. Alumni who graduated before 2017 and do not have a Handshake account can call to schedule. We offer phone, video, and in-person appointments. For best availability, we recommend scheduling at least a week in advance of your desired appointment time. We look forward to meeting with you!
Learn more about the career-related topics that we can address during an appointment.
To schedule an appointment on Handshake, select "Career Center" in the left sidebar, then "Appointments" to find an available time. For more information on how to schedule an appointment on Handshake, check out this guide.
Please arrive on time for your scheduled appointment. If you are unable to keep your appointment, please cancel at least 24 hours in advance by calling 503.943.7201 or emailing career@up.edu.
Asynchronous Resume Reviews
Stay tuned: Coming in Spring 2025!