University of Portland professor Martin Monto wins Hugo Beigel Award for Scholarly Excellence


Awards and Rankings

October 7, 2015

University of Portland sociology professor Martin Monto has received the Hugo Beigel Award for Scholarly Excellence from the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality. The award goes to the best paper published in their Journal of Sex Research, and was chosen from a field of 70 papers. The award is designed to promote and reward research excellence in sexologyMonto wrote the paper with former UP student Anna Carey as co-author. The award will be presented at the society’s annual conference on Nov. 12-15 in Albuquerque, N.M.

The winning article, titled “A new standard of sexual behavior? Are claims associated with the ‘hookup culture’ supported by General Social Survey data?,” began as Carey’s senior thesis in sociology, and Monto continued working on it after she graduated.

Monto received his Ph.D. in sociology from UCLA in 1992 and joined the University of Portland faculty that year. He specializes in gender, deviance, and social psychology, and also teaches his department’s senior project seminar and its course on sociological theory. He is a leading authority on prostitution, and recent research projects have dealt with homophobia and sexual assault. He is currently studying the degree to which Americans support the value of equality of opportunity.

For more information contact the sociology and social work department at 503.943.7223 or