Safe Spaces to Gather at University of Portland | University of Portland

Safe Spaces to Gather at University of Portland

Pilots Prevent

January 12, 2021

For everyone anticipating a safe return to campus for Spring 2021, University of Portland staff are hard at work planning ways to provide spaces to gather for eating, studying, socializing, and events. By now we’re all used to expecting things to look and feel different, and that remains true as we adapt to changing guidelines—and Portland weather. 

There will be about 10 large tents throughout campus, designated to safely accommodate students for a variety of purposes. Associate Director of Events Sean Ducey ’13 explains that with indoor gathering and dining restrictions, UP has been creatively finding ways to impart our resilient sense of community.  “Our steering committee talked about creating the best student experience we can within Multnomah County guidelines,” says Ducey. Students have been asked to bring a portable lawn chair to campus to study or eat in these spaces, which will be equipped with heat, light, and some weather protection in the Portland winter.

“The other purpose is for student activities,” says Ducey, “like a residence hall event of some sort, students can use one of the tents and reserve them for that program.” UP plans to be adaptive and responsive to student needs as time goes on as we see how these spaces are being used, and the increasing or relaxing of any safety restrictions.

As always, safety is a priority consideration in the making of these spaces. “It is responsibility of all our community members to physical distance, wash hands, and wear a mask,” Ducey says. “Tables, chairs, furniture will be cleaned, any event-related items will be cleaned between uses just like our buildings and high-touch surfaces will be disinfected throughout the day.” Depending on the size of the tent, the maximum capacity is between 10 and 40 people.

Tents won’t be the only space available for students’ studying needs—the Clark Library will also have spaces available for studying in addition to their robust learning resources. Stay tuned for more details on safe study spaces on campus.