First-Year Students Find Community on ‘Discord’ | University of Portland

First-Year Students Find Community on ‘Discord’

Pilots Prevent

February 23, 2021

Many of us have experienced loneliness or isolation from the physical distancing guidelines imposed by the pandemic. We’ve been looking to creative new outlets to fill our need for human connection. University of Portland students have found an innovative way to ensure that social connections are still flourishing.

Shortly after UP went into lockdown in March 2020, Jamieson Miller ’24 created a space for first-year students to connect. Discord is a social media platform originally popular with gamers that has become more popular for common users. As the community grew, Miguel Navarro ’24 took over as administrator. “It’s a way to get community back,” Navarro says.

It’s proved to be wildly successful, and an overall positive place for first-year students to talk, ask questions, get support, find resources—and more. Over 500 students have joined, and there are dozens of channels with topics like mental health, memes, homework and textbooks help, UP connections, study abroad, and channels where students with the same majors can connect.

Students were able to connect virtually for months, and for those who arrived on campus this spring, the virtual connections became in-person. “I found some close friends through Discord,” says Navarro, “it’s a really good way to have a sense of community, and give people the sense that they belong here.” Students can join here. Moderators connect with new members and make sure they introduce themselves so they can be officially welcomed to the community.

Discord is also a great place for students to keep up with ASUP elections, club information, and programs and services. For all your needs—whether it’s borrowing a vacuum or getting change for a $20, to getting involved in the UP community or getting mental health resources, the UP Discord server supports strong community connections.