Bon Appétit Launches New App to Expand Student Dining Offerings

Residence Life

Pilots Prevent

March 9, 2021

On February 24, Bon Appétit launched a new app called GET that students can connect to their campus meal plan. The app allows students to preorder and remote purchase food from Pilots Pantry, which carries over 80 different grocery staples. Orders are received and filled by staff, and can then be picked up, contact free, inside Bauccio Commons, where they’re arranged alphabetically on shelves.

“The app will help students maximize their meal plan,” says Kirk Mustain, Supervisor at Bon Appétit . Mustain, like many of us, has been thinking creatively about how to meet the challenges that COVID has presented to our jobs and daily lives. “One of the challenges this year is that we don’t have our full menu offerings,” he says. “Usually, we’d be offering 70-75 entrées a week, now it’s only 25.”  So far, the app has been working well, and Mustain plans to make it a permanent tool. “It will be at Pilot House too when it reopens, and we’ll continue to add to and tinker with it,” he says.

The Commons has also re-opened to limited dine-in seating. Those seats are reserved in advance for cohort dining through the residence halls, with RAs helping to coordinate timing and reservations.

Mustain is always looking for ways to better help and serve students. “Our job is to get students fed safely, with good nutritious food,” he says. He welcomes constructive feedback about improving. “I think the dialogue is super important right now.” One of the best ways to send feedback is through the Bauccio Commons Instagram page, (also a great follow if you love pictures of food) or email