College of Arts and Sciences receives three grants to support scientific research and education from M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust

College of Arts and Sciences


Environmental Studies


May 31, 2019

The University of Portland College of Arts and Sciences has received three grants totaling  $178,427 from the M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust to support scientific research and education.

“These grants from the Murdock Trust are important to the educational and research components of the College of Arts and Sciences’ mission,” Herbert A. Medina, dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, said.

The three grants from the Murdock Trust will go to the biology, environmental studies, and chemistry departments. The biology department received a grant to advance scientific understanding of how chemotherapy drugs affect immune system cells, potentially improving the ability of some of these cells to attack cancerous tumors. The environmental studies program’s grant will help students shed light on how the physical topography and rock hardness of the Oregon coast is related to biodiversity and the overall ecosystem. An award to the chemistry department will allow students to explore the immense diversity of a superfamily of enzymes’ functionality, which is important in many cell activities including DNA repair and creation of anti-viral and anti-bacterial compounds. 

“These grants to the University of Portland will help advance understanding and knowledge of biology, chemistry and environmental studies. Ultimately, we think each project will provide information that will improve lives and communities,” Dr. Moses Lee, senior director for scientific research and enrichment programs at M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust, said.

This grant marks a total of $2.6 million awarded to the University of Portland by the Murdock Trust since 2011.