What You Can Do Now That You’re Vaccinated

Pilots Prevent

June 15, 2021

So, you got your second shot (or the one-dose J&J) and the requisite two weeks have passed. Congratulations! You’re officially vaccinated against COVID-19.

According to the Centers for Disease Control, that means you can pretty much do anything you could do before the pandemic without the masked-up social-distancing protocols. However, it’s important to remember that there are still rules and regulations that you need to follow at federal, state, and local levels, as well as at individual businesses and workplaces. And that includes UP. Why? Because COVID safety isn’t a one-size-fits-all situation.

“It’s important to make a distinction between what the Oregon Health Authority and the CDC are allowing and what UP can allow,” says Kaylin Soldat, Associate Director of Primary Care Services for UP’s Health Center. “We’re a higher risk environment based on congregate living, and by virtue of living in close quarters, we want to be more cautious than the health authority.”

So, even though Oregon has lifted a lot of the mask and social distancing requirements and will lift even more when 70% of the state’s population becomes fully vaccinated, there are still situations where the requirements remain in place. For example, even if you’re fully vaccinated you still need to wear a mask on public transportation, in a business where the owner requires masks, and in schools, hospitals, clinics, shelters, and correctional and long-term care facilities.

And when you’re at UP, you still need to mask up when in campus buildings even if you’re fully vaccinated — unless you’re in your private office or residence room with a closed door. “Throughout the pandemic there are times we’ve been more cautious in order to protect our community and the vulnerable members of our community that can’t be vaccinated,” says Soldat.

Outside is a different story. If you’re fully vaccinated, feel free to take the mask off when walking the campus grounds.

What about those who aren’t vaccinated? The CDC and OHA say under-vaccinated people should wear a mask at all times in indoor public spaces and outdoor crowded spaces. If you’re having a private gathering and there’s an under-vaccinated person in the group, they should mask up unless they’re the only one. When in doubt, these links from the CDC and OHA are frequently updated with current guidance.

And if you’re still looking to get a vaccine and don’t know where to start, the CDC and OHA sites, as well as UP’s Health and Counseling Center, can help you find out how to get an appointment in your area. With vaccines now widely available, it’s never been easier to do. Besides, getting the COVID-19 vaccine is a requirement for all faculty, staff, and students who aren’t eligible for an exemption. 

“The goal of the vaccine requirement is to get to a point where enough of our community is vaccinated that we can lift our masking and social distancing requirements,” says Soldat. “That’s why we need people to submit their vaccination status. We need that information in order to make these decisions for fall.”

Faculty and Staff can report their vaccination status here by August 2.

Students can follow these instructions to report their vaccination status here by September 1.