A Letter from our President | University of Portland

A Letter from our President

Robert Kelly

Here at University of Portland, we aspire to transform. In all senses of the word.

We accompany students on their journey of transformation—helping them to uncover their deepest purpose and guiding them toward lives of fulfillment.

We strive to transform our local community—shining as a beacon of hope and light from high atop The Bluff.

And we endeavor to make a transformative impact on the world—sending forth a new generation of Pilot thinkers, innovators, and leaders to solve our biggest challenges.

Since our founding in 1901, our Catholic, Holy Cross mission has called us to be a source of transformation for our students, our community, and our world. It’s this mission that guides us, sustains us, and makes UP truly special.

I am thrilled that you have visited our Admissions website, and I hope you will take this chance to learn more about joining our transformative community on The Bluff.

Whether you are a prospective student, a prospective parent or family member, a guidance counselor, or you’re just curious about UP, you have come to the right place. Here, you’ll learn more what makes us the #2 institution in the West, according to US News & World Report. You’ll read about our world-class academics, our vibrant campus life, and the tremendous impact that our alumni are having on the world. You can take a virtual tour, and you can make plans to visit us on The Bluff. Once you are ready to apply, this website has all of the information you’ll need to submit an application and learn about our generous financial aid.

People often ask, “What makes University of Portland distinctive?” I respond that UP, more than any other institution I’ve encountered, is a place that has a transformative impact. Our unparalleled student experience, small classes, wide range of majors and courses, Division I athletics, beautiful campus situated in a dynamic city, and access to the beauty of the Pacific Northwest—these are the things that make UP a truly singular place.

I hope that you will consider joining us here on The Bluff, and that you will experience the transformative power of a UP education yourself. I look forward to seeing you soon!

God Bless and Go Pilots!

Robert D. Kelly, Ph.D.

503.943.7147, admissions@up.edu

Office of Admissions is open Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.