1950s & Prior | University of Portland

1950s & Prior

Welcome, our graduates from the 1950s and before!

We invite you to help celebrate our newest members’ inductions into the 50-Year Club from the Class of 1974 as they join this distinguished society of UP tradition and history. Please wear your 50-Year pins! Spouse & guest attendance is encouraged.

Don’t miss this wonderful opportunity to pick UP  where you left off and create a new set of University of Portland memories. I look forward to seeing you on campus and welcoming you back home.

In Pilot Pride,

Gina Amato Yazzolino ‘96
Assistant Vice President for Engagement


Special Events:

Celebration Mass & 50-Year Club Induction Brunch

Saturday, June 29

Chapel of Christ the Teacher


Happy Harbors BBQ

Saturday, June 29

Academic Quad