Distinguished Alumni Award

Established in 1960 as the Outstanding Alumnus Award and renamed in 1982, the Distinguished Alumni Award recognizes a University of Portland, Columbia University, or Columbia Prep alumnus or alumna who has made significant contributions to his or her profession on a local and national level, made significant contributions to his or her community, and offered significant support to the University and its programs.

Past Distinguished Award Recipients

2023 - Dr. Bernadette Brooten ‘71

Bernadette has had an amazing and prolific professional career.  After UP, she studied with Hans Kung at the University of Tubingen. She received her PhD from Harvard.  She taught at Claremont Graduate School, Univ of Tubingen, Harvard, and at the Univ of Oslo on at Fulbright Fellowship.  She was a 1998 MacArthur Fellow ("genius grant").  She held an endowed chair at Brandeis where she was the Kraft-Hiatt Professor of Christian Studies.  She is the founder of the Feminist Sexual Ethics Project.  In addition to being one of the first cohort in our honors program, she was a Salzburger (69-70).  Bernadette shares, “The year in Salzburg set me on my future academic career path. Traveling through Europe with art historian Dr. Stegen and the other students who became my friends for life showed me a range of ways in which human beings can live, speak, structure societies, have pleasure, and create beauty. New ways of seeing and thinking opened to me.”

2023 - Jenna Plank Corrado ‘01

Graduating with a degree in Communications and French Minor in 2001, Jenna attended law school at Lewis and Clark, and received her JD in 2005. After a long-standing career as a criminal prosecutor in the Multnomah County D.A.'s office, she was appointed as a Judge to the Multnomah County Circuit Court bench by governor Kate Brown in 2021. Jenna currently serves as an Oregon State Circuit Court Judge here in Multnomah County. Jenna volunteers as an instructor and Mock Trial coach at Lewis and Clark Law School, is an active member of Oregon Women Lawyers (OWLS), and has volunteered as a guest trainer for local domestic violence and sexual assault advocacy groups. Jenna has dedicated her career to service and the community of Portland. She represents the University of Portland proudly and is truly living the UP mission of service and leadership.

2022 - David Allstot ’69

Upon graduation, Dave's engineering work evolved beyond industry into teaching at quite a number of respected institutions, including Oregon State, U. of Washington, Stanford, and UC Berkeley. He holds a number of patents, and more than 300 technical papers and numerous awards recognizing his accomplishments as a leader in the field of integrated circuits and his teaching excellence. Dave credits and speaks often about the importance of teaching, learning and mentoring he encountered while enrolled on The Bluff. He is recognized as a pioneer, leader and mentor in the field of integrated circuits, as well as an inspiring educator in higher education.

2021 - Not awarded

2020 - Kay Toran ’64

Kay Dean Toran ’64 is the president and CEO of Volunteers of America Oregon, a social services organization devoted to improving the lives of Oregon’s children, families, and senior citizens. Kay has also served Portland and Oregon on a countless number of boards and committees to which she has devoted many thousands of hours of her quiet wisdom and counsel, among them the Oregon Community Foundation, Providence Health and Services, Portland State University, and University of Portland’s Board of Regents. The University celebrates Kay not only for a lifetime of hard and creative work on behalf of the least fortunate of her fellow citizens, but for her quiet and graceful insistence on education as the best way to open endless possibilities to lives that seemed constrained and confined.

2019 - Mike Irwin ’78

Mike Irwin ’78 has dedicated his entire professional life to public service. After graduating from The Bluff with an engineering degree, Mike spent 26 years as an Air Force officer, followed by 16 years as a senior executive service leader with the Department of Homeland Security. He has commanded humanitarian missions around the globe, flown multiple combat-zone missions, and, during 9/11, was on duty as director of operations at the White House. He recently retired as federal security director for the State of Oregon, leading 700 women and men of the Transportation Security Agency (TSA) at PDX and other Oregon airports, and was selected as the Compass Award winner for outstanding leadership and contributions to the Port of Portland.  Grounded in the belief that one must remain a lifetime learner, Mike is completing his fourth master’s degree. Even more important than class content, Mike values finding his own character strengthened through experiencing the differing views of his classmates. Throughout all of his positions of leadership, Mike’s focus has never wavered and he proudly shares it: mission, people, leadership, teamwork, and integrity. He credits UP with introducing him to the love of his life, Lori Irwin ’79, his wife of 38 years, and also with providing the foundation for his personal values—faith, leadership, service, and compassion. Though his professional accomplishments are impressive, Mike is most passionate about the role he has been able to play in mentoring the next generation of leaders. He encourages young people to enter into public service because he believes “the sanctity of public service is critical to maintaining the faith and confidence of the American people.” 

2018 - Bill Reed ‘72

Bill Reed began his professional life as an elementary school teacher and returned to the University in 1985 as alumni director. In his next post at UP, Reed became the first University events director and has been the only person to serve in this position until his retirement on June 30, 2018. In this role, Reed oversaw more than 1000 events a year and escorted many famous visitors onto campus – from Jane Goodall and Steven Hawking to Bob Dylan and Faith Hill. He has also welcomed such dignitaries as Archbishop Desmond Tutu, His Holiness the Dali Lama, President George W. Bush and Supreme Court justices Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas. Reed is the only person to be chosen as ASUP’s Staff Member of the Year on three separate occasions. In 1994, Reed received the Rev. Charles Miltner, C.S.C. award for exemplary and outstanding service to the University. In 2012, in recognition of his embodiment of the University’s mission, he was presented the Spirit of Holy Cross award. Reed has worked on 34 reunions, 32 commencements, and countless galas. He helped to coordinate the University’s centennial celebration as well as the investiture of three University presidents. Though Reed is known for this list of accomplishments, it is another aspect of his work that he believes carries more meaning. “The most important aspect of my career has been the opportunity to know and work with countless University students throughout the years,” Reed said.

Watch Bill Reed in action in this video:

2017 - Arnaldo Rodriguez ’68

Arnaldo arrived in the United States as part of Operation Peter Pan, a mass exodus of over 14,000 unaccompanied Cuban minors sponsored by the Catholic Welfare Bureau, now known as Catholic Charities. Cuban youths were flown to the U.S. to begin life anew while awaiting the arrival of their parents. After spending four months in a refugee camp in Miami, Arnaldo, age 16, moved to Portland to live with a foster family just blocks from the University of Portland. In 1964, Arnaldo began his studies at UP, with help from the National Defense Student Loan Program and his work-study job cleaning classrooms in West Hall. Because his family remained in Cuba until 1966, Arnaldo made UP his home, spending two years of his college vacations and summer breaks living on campus. He is forever appreciative for the priests and staff members whose generosity and acts of kindness lifted his spirits during this time. Arnaldo is also grateful to the University because it was there, during freshman orientation, that he met his future wife, Lucia Miltenberger ’68. Upon graduation, Arnaldo went on to earn a graduate degree in psychology and a doctorate of education while embarking on a 40-year career in higher education. The focus of his life’s work has always been to assist and guide first generation and economically disadvantaged students. The many positions held by Arnaldo during  his academic career include; interim assistant vice provost and director of admission at University of the Pacific, vice president for admissions and financial aid at Pitzer College, and interim director of admissions at Pacific School of Religion. He has received numerous awards from the Western Association for College Admission Counseling and from The College Board. Currently retired, Arnaldo continues to advise and mentor education professionals. While he has enjoyed a highly successful career, Arnaldo considers his most tremendous lifetime achievement to be his marriage to his wonderful wife, Lucia, and his greatest gifts to be his children, Juan Carlos and Elise Rodriguez ’99. Throughout his career, Arnaldo has worked as a champion of access and equity for all in higher education and has dedicated his professional life to his most profound belief: that education has the power to transform lives.

2016 - Joe Hollman '64

After Joe Hollman, a Portland native, served in the Army as a platoon leader during the Vietnam War, he returned home and began a small, eponymous construction business, which grew into what is now the world’s largest manufacturer of racquetball courts and wood lockers – more than two million worldwide. Always inventive, Joe patented a new way to build these courts (now the industry standard), developed computer-controlled machines to build lockers (for which he earned two patents), and recently started a new company (one of nine he has founded) to develop the best keyless mechanical locks possible, which could revolutionize that industry. As generous as he is creative, Joe helped fund a Class of 1964 endowed scholarship and hosted class events, has twice made generous gifts to renovate the locker rooms of the Chiles Center, and supports three orphanages for abandoned children in Thailand. And finally, befitting a University alumnus, he is eloquent about service and spirituality. “There are three things we must live for: to know, to love, and to serve. We must work consistently to know and love ourselves and our Creator, and strive to serve others, to help and support them. By this we honor and celebrate the Creator of all that is.”

2015 - Scott Reis '98

The University’s highest annual alumni honors go to those women and men who have most thoroughly taken our mission to heart and carried it creatively and energetically into the world; and Scott Reis has done this with a wonderful exuberance and relentless passion.  While on The Bluff, Scott was Student Coordinator for the HIV Day Center, and for Holy Cross Elementary School Tutoring. He volunteered with Religious Experience with Exceptional People, and with Rebuilding Together, and traveled with Habitat for Humanity to build houses on an American Indian Reservation in South Dakota, and to Phoenix to roof houses. He went on a Service Immersion trip to Oaxaca, Mexico to work with families living in extreme poverty, and was awarded “Outstanding Honors Student” upon graduating with a degree in mathematics. He earned his teaching degree from the Alliance for Catholic Education program at Notre Dame. While teaching at Charlotte Catholic High School, he coached the girls’ track and field and Cross Country to State Runner-UP and the boys’ team to Third in State. Returning to Portland, Scott helped launch De La Salle North Catholic and was the first teacher hired by De La Salle president and UP alumnus Matt Powell. Scott became renowned for working with minority, underserved, and underprivileged students. Noted for using humor, music, and rhythm as teaching tools, Scott spent 11 years at De La Salle (where he won the 2012 OnPoint Excellence in Education Award, given to superb teachers in Oregon and Washington). In 2012, Scott expanded his mathematical opportunities at Jesuit High where he relishes teaching three sections of AP Calculus and enjoys new professional development opportunities. In Scott’s words, “Teaching to me is a ministry and not just a career. I see it as an investment in my students and their futures.”

2014 - Clara Bickford Halvorson '48

The young Clara Bickford was one of the first nursing students to study on The Bluff, after the University acquired Providence’s St. Vincent nursing school – and was one of eight women on campus when she graduated. She then taught nursing at the University and St. Vincent Hospital, worked as a nurse in Salem and Portland, and raised nine children with her late husband Omar ’48 (himself the 2005 recipient of the Rev. Thomas C. Oddo C.S.C., Outstanding Service Award), whom she met at a fall harvest dance. Clara is an active volunteer with her St. Stephen’s parish and with the Mount Hood chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution, which sponsors two University nursing scholarships. And she is both a University President’s Club and Schulte Society member. Her one word to describe her life: “Joyful!”

2013 - John Lee '64, '73

When we honor the affable and graceful John Lee as our Distinguished Alumnus this year, we honor a man who has taken all the central themes and energies of the University to heart in his life and career. We want our students to focus on the whole person – heart and soul and mind. John has done that beautifully during his long and remarkable career as health care leader in the Northwest, caring for many thousands of employees and patients and their families. We want our students and alumni to bring their skills and talents and gifts to bear to help those who are less fortunate, those who are broken, those who are Christ calling clearly for our hands and hearts. John has done that beautifully with Loaves and Fishes, with Catholic Charities, with Easter Seals. We want our students and alumni to take the genius of Catholic education seriously, as an education that is finally about character and grace and hope and mercy as much as it is about careers and intellect. John has done that beautifully, especially with Jesuit High and with the University itself, as regent, dear friend, and trusted counselor.
Most of all we want our students and alumni to find and shape and focus their God-given gifts to elevate their communities, to bring hope and healing to those who need it most; a great University alumnus is one whose work was to bring his world closer to the light of God’s love. And it is with great pride and gratitude that we honor John Lee this year for being exactly that alumnus – generous, creative, tireless…and ours.

2012 - Bill Winter '64

Two years after Bill Winter walked off The Bluff he was working for a hospital in Portland. Five years later he was CEO of a hospital on the coast. Two years later he was CEO of the first hospital. Are you beginning to get a sense of the man’s energy and creativity and passion for healing and hope? It didn’t stop there. Three years later he was running two hospitals, and an entire health system, and then he was the visionary behind the state’s whole association of hospitals, and for the last twenty years he has run the Silverton Hospital Network, until he retired in 2011. Without even rattling off the dozens of boards and associations and councils and centers he serves from the goodness of his heart, you get a crystal clear picture here of a man who has absolutely poured himself into health care for Oregonians for forty-five years. And we mean all Oregonians — migrant workers in Hillsboro and Silverton, the rural poor on the coast, the silent poor in cities and timber country and farmland. Bill Winter is a man who took the University’s conviction that every soul is holy, every soul needs a helping hand, every soul deserves a chance at joy and peace, and bent his many talents to make that happen in the sweet glory of the land where we live. Nor did he ever once forget the University, which he serves to this day as advisor, fundraiser, and unparalleled network connection between students and rural hospitals; he and his beloved wife Carolyn have been pillars for the Garaventa Center for American Catholic Life, and stalwart Pilot basketball fans for many years. We present this award once a year, to someone whose life absolutely encapsulates and characterizes and exemplifies what the University of Portland is about at its very heart. How apt, how fitting, how suitable, and how much of an honor it is for the University itself this year to present it to Bill Winter.

2011 - Bob Maloney ‘64

Nationally respected attorney and judge, widely admired advocate for the legal profession and the primacy of justice in civil society, energetic voice for higher education and legal education in Oregon, devoted and dedicated Catholic, stalwart and generous counselor and benefactor to the University of Portland… Bob Maloney is every bit the committed, visionary, and tireless citizen that you would expect to receive the University’s Distinguished Alumnus Award. But here’s a glance at the cheerful creativity of the man, a look at the real Bob Maloney, a peek into the sort of alumnus we so admire, one who seeks to change the world, one life at a time: for fifteen years, he has adopted the third-grade class at Boise-Eliot Elementary School in Portland, providing meals, mentoring, holiday gifts, laughter, and every other sort of support you can imagine. In the fifteen years that Bob Maloney brought his capacious talents to those children, test scores there rose 65%, and kids from Bob’s classes now test among the very best in Oregon by fifth grade. That’s teaching, faith, and service in direct and generous action. That’s the sort of creative idea and steady hard work that makes us delighted and honored to present the 2011 Distinguished Alumnus Award to Bob Maloney, of the Class of 1964.

2010 - Dr. Thomas Franz '62

Scientist, innovator, scholar, teacher, endlessly curious student of the surpassing genius of God’s creation, Thomas Franz has devoted his career to inquiry, experiment, and inventiveness that have bettered the lives of many thousands of people around the world. His development of what will forever be called the Franz Cell enabled scientists in many fields to make discoveries about that most subtle of human organs, the skin; and his labors for government, academic, and entrepreneurial concerns have made this member of the Class of 1962 a figure respected and honored around the planet. He has also been unflagging in his support of the University where his curiosity and talents were focused so that he could bring his gifts to bear for a lifetime; and we are honored this year to choose celebrate him as a man of creativity and generosity, a man who has for a lifetime encapsulated and characterized the best of what this University wishes to be. As the University’s motto has it, Tom, veritas vos liberabit, the truth will set us free; and we honor you for living by those words with such grace and diligence.

2009 - Deborah Burton '77

Deborah Anne Burton, class of ’77 has been selected by the University of Portland National Alumni Board and University President Rev. E. William Beauchamp, C.S.C., as this year’s recipient of the Distinguished Alumni Award. Deborah A. Burton PhD, RN, CNAA, is currently Vice President and Chief Nursing Officer for Providence Health & Services, one of the largest health systems in the United States, based out of Renton, Washington.  Providence currently employs 14, 650 Registered Nurses, many of whom are UP grads. She is devoted to the profession of nursing and devoted more specifically to the University of Portland School of Nursing.  In her own words, she “acts as a perpetual PR and promotion machine for UP and its School of Nursing.” She is well-connected within professional nursing circles, so when she promotes the qualities of University of Portland nurses, she is able to make a big impact. She has served as the President of the Oregon State Board of Nursing, two terms on the Board of Directors of the National Council of State Boards of Nursing and is currently active on two councils for the Northwest Organization of Nurse Executives. In support of the University, Debbie has been an adjunct professor with the University’s School of Nursing since 1993 and was responsible for the Providence Scholars program, Dedicated Education Units, shared Clinical Simulation Centers and a multitude of highly successful joint initiatives.  She has taught at every level in the school; in fact she will tell you she has taught every undergraduate and graduate course that has anything to do with community health, research, administration, policy, leadership, and professional and ethical issues.  Debbie has given a number of national presentations on various aspects of the University of Portland-Providence sustainable partnership, a model that has earned a national and international reputation for shared excellence. Debbie started the Oregon Center for Nursing and served as its first Executive Director. The OCN is housed on the UP campus and is co-sponsored by the School of Nursing. Focused on serious nursing workforce challenges in Oregon, she launched two extremely successful and award-winning campaigns in partnership with UP: Are You Man Enough to Be a Nurse? (aimed at recruiting men into nursing) and Caring Knows No Boundaries (promoting ethnic diversity in nursing). In support of the UP, Debbie has donated to the University and has volunteered at many alumni events, including the Student Alumni Association Etiquette Dinner. She helped to organize her nursing classmates (class of ’77) for the 2007 Alumni Reunion, has helped fundraise for the School of Nursing and has served as a mentor for the University’s nursing students. Debbie has partnered with Robin Anderson, Dean of the University’s School of Business to send a second delegation of UP nursing and business academic leaders along with Providence nurses,  Holy Cross Fathers, and MBA students to establish a permanent presence in the remote and war-torn northeastern states of India, bordering Bangladesh.  Through Providence and UP nursing engagement Debbie hopes to elevate the health status and quality of life for this extremely poor and disenfranchised part of remote India.

2008 - Vincent Aquino '57

Engineer, innovator, inventor, teacher, scholar, and a man who has utterly and gracefully taken to heart the University’s quiet conviction that service to others is the most powerful of prayers, Vincent is a private and humble man who would never shout his accomplishments in public – so we will do it for him, with great respect and affection. From The Bluff he went on to a long and distinguished career in engineering, with General Electric, Westinghouse, and the Argonne National Laboratory, but Vincent, we suspect, is admired and loved more for the many thousands of hours he has devoted to the University of Portland, the Boy Scouts of America, the Catholic Church, and a dozen other community entities in his beloved Idaho Falls. We are honored this year to choose one alumnus among the University’s many thousands, and celebrate him as a man of quiet dignity and immense generosity, a man who has for a lifetime encapsulated and characterized the best of what this University wishes to be. To have Vincent Aquino as one of us is to be graced and blessed, and to be proud that the University helped form such a man as this one.

2007 - Kathy Johnson '66

Kathy Johnson, ‘66, RN, BSN, MBA was among the first University nursing students to attend nursing classes on The Bluff. She is currently Chief Nursing Officer for Oregon’s Providence Health System and a member of the Board of Directors for the Oregon Health Career Center (OHCC). Of special significance to the University, Kathy is the architect who wrote the business plan for the Providence Scholars. The Providence Scholars, a partnership between Providence Health System (PHS) and the University of Portland, was created to address the national nursing shortage. To date, the Program has graduated 211 nurses who are all working at Providence facilities in Oregon. There are currently 153 Providence Scholar Students attending the University of Portland Nursing Program. Fifteen million dollars are currently committed to the Providence Scholars Program. Kathy has received numerous awards during her career, most recently, the 2007 St. Mary’s Academy Alumnae Award for “Woman of Career Achievement,” given to a woman with exceptional professional achievements, who has worked for over ten years in her profession and has broken new ground within her field.

2006 - Jean Auel '76

Jean Auel ’76 has achieved literary and business success as the best-selling author of one of the most widely read series of books in the past century. Four years after receiving her MBA from the University, Auel published “Clan of the Cave Bear.” This, the first of a six-part series, was the result of years of meticulous research and writing. Fans of the series have purchased more than 34 million of the books and are currently awaiting the final installment. Jean was granted an honorary doctorate in 1984 and has since returned to serve as a guest lecturer for English classes. In addition, Jean and her husband Ray '76 have been generous supporters of the annual fund.

2005 - Bobbie Dore Foster '89

Storyteller, truth-teller, woman of deep and abiding faith, professional journalist, entrepreneur, counselor to the president of the University of Portland, respected pillar of the Portland community – Bobbie Dore Foster wears many hats and wears them with grace and dash. From her childhood in Louisiana. Where “religion was the air I breathed and faith molded me,” as she says, to her career now as one of Oregon’s leading businesswomen and communicators, Bobbie has devoted her life to the three central tenets of the University’s mission – the idea that education opens minds and hearts, and creates extraordinary opportunities; the idea that we are given astounding gifts from God, and are responsible for shaping and wielding them to help the battered world; and the idea that, as she says, “only when we share can we survive” – the idea that the community exists to care for each member. Through her Skanner newspapers and her tireless activism in the community, Bobbie has used her capacious gifts – her eloquence, her courteous persistence, her polite refusal to accept lies and prevarications, her sense that the best businesses add life and verve to the community – and made the city and state lucky enough to have her resident a better, more honest, more informed, holier place. For the patience and grace with which she has carried the best of the University through a wonderful career in business and journalism, and for her calm and creative service to the University as counselor and neighbor, the University community thanks its dear friend Bobbie Dore Foster.

2004 - Rudy Melone '50, '54

The late Rudy Melone ’50, ’54 is probably best remembered for creating the world famous Gilroy Garlic Festival, which helps local families in Santa Clara County, Calif. Rudy was a respected member of the Portland community for many years, having served the Chamber of Commerce, and advocated state-funded textbooks for parochial schools. Rudy passed away on September 17, 1998. The Distinguished Alumni Award will be presented to his widow, Gloria Melone, at the Alumni Awards Brunch during Reunion Weekend.

2004 - Joe Etzel '60

Joe Etzel ’60 served the University as athletic director from 1970-2004, making him the longest tenured athletic director among Division I NCAA institutions. Under his leadership, the University saw the construction of such premier athletics facilities as the Chiles Center, the Louisiana-Pacific Tennis Center, Pilot Stadium, and Merlo Field.

2003 - Dennis Keenan '69

Dennis Keenan is currently the director of Catholic Charities of Oregon and the former Family Life Director for the Catholic Archdiocese of Portland. He also worked as the Executive Director of Cascade Health Care, Inc. Keenan volunteers his time with the Oregon Nonprofit Coalition Coordinating Council. He also spends time with Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon. Dennis and his wife, Diana ’70 are the proud parents of Joseph Keenan ’02, Jennifer Olarte ’97 and Anna Keenan-Mudrick ’93 making the Keenans a Legacy Family. In addition to his work with Catholic Charities, Keenan gives back to the University of Portland by working with the University’s undergraduate social work programs to place students for their practicum experience and continues to serve as a guest lecturer and adjunct faculty member at the University of Portland. He is also a tireless advocate for the University of Portland within the Portland Metro Community and beyond.

2002 - James Lorocco '70

The Honorable Jim Larocco took the University’s emphasis on service as active prayer so to heart at graduation that he has devoted his entire career to it — a career that made him the able and astute representative of this nation to Saudi Arabia, Tunis, Egypt, Kuwait, Taiwan, China, Israel, and finally Kuwait again, to which he was appointed United States Ambassador in 1997, during yet another tense Iraq-Kuwait period in that most explosive of world regions. Three times Larocco has been honored by the U.S. Department of State for superior performance of his duties. Twice he was a key player in Israeli-Palestinian peace accords, work that led in part to his honorary doctorate of public service from the University in 1998. A fluent linguist and scholar of both written and oral Arabic and Chinese literature, Larocco has held many jobs for the Foreign Service: commercial attaché, economic officer, section chief, congressional fellow (for Senator Max Baucus), deputy director (for Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Bangladesh Affairs), minister for economic affairs in Beijing (during the years of the Tianamen Square murders), deputy chief of mission in Israel, and Kuwait Task Force Coordinator during the Gulf War. Jim and his family returned to the States last year, and now live near the other University alumnus to have been a U.S. Ambassador (to Madagascar): the Honorable Dennis Barrett ’58.

2001 - Mike McCabe '70

The highest-ranking military officer in the history of the University of Portland, Rear Admiral Michael McCabe ’70 has flying in his blood. His father was a World War II and Korean War Naval aviator, and his grandfather flew planes until he was 77 years old. Mike was commissioned through the Aviation Candidate School and was designated a Naval flight officer after graduation. His long and distinguished career with the Navy includes stints as deputy for current operations, operation directorate and head commander for aviation plans and requirements branch on the Chief of Naval Operations staff. He is the recipient of the Silver Star, Defense Superior Service Medal, the Legion of Merit, the Distinguished Flying Cross, a Meritorious Service Medal, an Air Medal, and the Navy Achievement Medal.

2000 - Michael Merzenich '64

Michael Merzenich is a renowned scientist and educator and is the founder of the Scientific Learning Corporation which develops the reading and language learning program Fast ForWord, among other products. He holds the Francis A. Sooy Chair of Otolaryngology and Physiology at the University of California at San Francisco, and with his wife Diane established the Merzenich Chair in Education at the University of Portland—a gift to the Defining Moment Campaign. Michael is an expert on brain function, specifically brain plasticity, or the capacity for growth, and he is both a medical inventor and a software developer. He has a Ph.D. in neurophysiology from Johns Hopkins. Among his awards are the international Ipsen Prize for his work in brain plasticity. Michael is a member of the University’s Presidential Advisory Council for the College of Arts and Sciences.

1999 - George Galati '54

George Galati ’54, ’60, a dedicated teacher and public school administrator, has spent his life in service to children and his community. He began his teaching career at La Center (Wash.) High School in 1957 before joining the faculty at Grant High School in Portland. He served as a vice principal at Portland’s Lincoln and Roosevelt high schools; and as principal at Roosevelt, where he led the restructuring of Roosevelt’s curriculum. The new curriculum received national recognition as a Work Force 2000 program and a 21st Century Schools program. And, George received an Excellence in Education Award from the Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries. He also established the first teen health clinic in Oregon at Roosevelt. George, now an adjunct faculty member in the University’s School of Education, is a member of the National Association of Secondary School Principals, the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, Phi Delta Kappa Professional Fraternity in Education, and Kappa Delta Pi International Honor Society in Education. He is a past member of the Catholic Youth Organization’s board of trustees and has volunteered with the Boy Scouts of America. George served on the alumni board of directors from 1971 to 1974, and he and his wife Ann ’54 made the lead gift for the construction of the Marian Garden next to the Chapel of Christ the Teacher, a gift they gave in memory of their daughter Mary Margaret. The Galatis have three sons who attended the University: Tony ’79, Chris ’85, and Joe ’86.

1998 - Fedele Bauccio '64, '66

When he arrived on The Bluff as a student, Fedele Bauccio needed a job. He went to work as a waiter for Saga Corporation, the University’s food service provider, and by the time he graduated (with a bachelor’s in economics in 1964 and a master’s in business administration in 1966), he was already working in management. He stayed with Saga’s education division until 1972, when he was transferred to Saga’s business food service division. He became division president in 1978 and president of Saga’s specialty food services group in 1982. Fedele was appointed president of Stuart Anderson’s restaurant chain in 1985 and then co-founded his own company, Bon Appetit Management Company, in 1987. Today Bon Appetit serves 44 corporate clients and 39 educational institutions (including the University of Portland) in 12 states. The Distinguished Alumni Award honors Fedele for his many and significant contributions to his community, which include service on the boards of the University of San Francisco Hospitality Management Program and Child Advocacy Council of Santa Clara and San Mateo Counties; to his profession (he was a recipient of the 1992 Restaurant and Institutions “Ivy Award”); and to the University, where he serves as a member of the President’s Advisory Council for the School of Business and where he and his wife Linda are members of the President’s Club. Fedele and Linda are also the parents of Eric Bauccio ’90.

Distinguished Alumni Award Recipients from 1960-1997

1997 - Jim Sweeney '51

1996 - Robert R. Devich '50

1995 - Marla E. Salmon '71,'72

1994 - Joseph E. Di Loreto '63

1993 - Robert E. Glennen '55

1992 - Peter R. Sgro, Jr. '81

1991 - Roosevelt Robinson '70

1990 - Michael J. Ellsworth '65 and David C. Grove '59

1989 - Robert E. Ludeman '51

1988 - Donald P. Shiley '51

1987 - Joseph Ada '68

1986 - John R. Emrick '64

1985 - James M. Burns

1984 - Robert W. McMenamin '47

1983 - Robert W. Franz '41

1982 - Richard B. Davi '52

1981 - Unknown/no award given

1980 - Rev. John Hooyboer, C.S.C.

1979 - Patrick E. Becker '63

1978 - Unknown/no award given

1977 - George Lamb '29

1976 - James T. Covert '59

1975 - Al C. Giusiti '41

1974 - James H. Riopelle '40

1973 - Mauro F. Postestio '50

1972 - Kevin J. Van Hoomissen '54

1971 - George Van Hoomissen '51

1970 - J. Bernard Harrington '42

1969 - Sr. Flora Mary MacDonald '38

1968 - William J. McDonald '38

1967 - Thomas C. Walsh '60

1966 - Philip J. Roth '43

1965 - Peter C. Leinweber '35

1964 - Robert Dwyer '34

1963 - Edward O'Meara '37

1962 - Thomas Carey '38

1961 - Ed Fitzpatrick '29

1960 - Anthony Gerharz '41