Event Attendance Guidelines | University of Portland

Event Attendance Guidelines

Preparing to Attend

  1. Consistent with class participation standards including daily temperature checks, event invitees should refrain from attending events if symptomatic. If participants are not feeling well enough to attend, they are encouraged to attend remotely.
  2. Participants are expected to carry with them a face covering.


While Attending

  1. Unless an accommodation is in place, participants will wear a cloth face mask when attending events in public spaces (per face mask policy). Depending on spacing and other guidelines set forward at the time, some outdoor events will require face covering while others may not. Event planners will communicate the standards to participants in advance.
  2. Participants will do their best to stay 6 ft. distance from other participants, restricting their own movements appropriately to allow others to pass or shift.
  3. Participants will follow the instructions of event planners to use approved cleaning supplies to keep their area clean.
  4. If a participant begins to feel sick during the event, they should inform the event planner and depart and begin to isolate immediately.



  1. In order to reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19 within our community, participants may not bring guests or visitors from outside of the University community unless given advanced permission by the event planners.
  2. If permission is granted for a participant to bring a guest, the participant is responsible for ensuring that the guest(s) follows the protocols outlined in this document and any additional guidance set forth by the event planners.


Attending Informal Social Gatherings and Gatherings not Sponsored by the University

Please Note: Understanding that the ways we engage off campus impacts our local campus community, students are expected to abide by the policies set forth in Life on the Bluff as well as to follow all state and local guidelines for such events, including mandates from the Governor’s Office on group size, physical distancing, and wearing face coverings.