Student Employment Guidelines | University of Portland

Student Employment Guidelines

The University of Portland has specific rules in place for students working on campus. These rules are in place to ensure that Student employees and their supervisors are compliant with all state and federal BOLI laws as well as university regulations.

  • Student employees may work up to 20 hours per week (Monday through Sunday) between all student jobs when classes are in session. 

  • Student employees may work up to 29 hours per week (Monday through Sunday) between all jobs when classes are not in session. Students who violate the 29 hour per week regulation will immediately lose their student employment privileges. 

  • Student employees may hold up to 3 open student employment positions on campus at any one time.

  • Student employees may work up to 8 hours per day between all student employee jobs.

  • When working 6 or more consecutive hours in a day, Student employees must take at least a 30 minute unpaid lunch break approximately in the middle of the workday. Students must also take a 10 minute paid break approximately in the middle of any work period segment that is between 2 hours 10 minutes to 4 hours in duration. Below is more information:

    • Student working 2 hrs or less in a day → No rest break or lunch period.

    • Student working 2 hrs 1 min up to 5 hrs 59 minutes in a day → One paid rest break of 10 min paid break at approximately the middle of work hours; no 30 min unpaid lunch break.

    • Student working 6 hrs in a day → One paid rest break of 10 minutes must be taken about 2 hours after the start of work; an unpaid lunch period of 30 minutes must be taken about 4 hours after the start of work.  

    • Student working 6 hrs 1 min up to 8 hrs in a day → One paid rest break of 10 minutes must be taken in the middle of the first half portion of work, and a second paid rest break of 10 minutes must be taken in the middle of the second half portion of work; an unpaid lunch period of 30 minutes must be taken in the middle of the workday. 

  • Student employees may earn up to $12,000 during the fiscal year (July 1 through June 30) through the student employment program whether paid through Federal Work-Study, Student Employment Institutional Funds and/or Research Grants.

  • Student employees must log all hours worked using the online timesheet and submit timesheets by the deadlines posted. Please refer to the Student Payroll Processing Schedule.

Student employment may be terminated if the student violates Student Employment Program policies or at the supervisor's discretion if job duties are not being fulfilled. Please review job expectations with your supervisor prior to starting employment.