Supporting Your Student Upon Their Return | University of Portland

Supporting Your Student Upon Their Return

Reverse Culture shock is a way of describing the difficulties that many students have in readjusting to their homes, resuming relationships with friends and family, and getting back into the routine of school and other activities upon return from an education abroad experience.

“Like any big transition, re-acclimation takes a little TLC.  First of all, they are tired!  Secondly, they are emotional!  Likely, they will miss their new friends who felt like family at times.  They will miss their lifestyle over there.  They will miss a lot of things!  It can also be frustrating to hear how things don’t stack up over here, but patience please!” – Karen Kessi, Salzburg mom
Fixing her favorite dinner or anything she might have missed the most food wise, listening with envy about all of her travel adventures.” – Christie LeBar, Salzburg Engineer mom