Workplace Concerns and Questions | University of Portland

Workplace Concerns and Questions

At the University of Portland, we recognize that concerns in the workplace arise from time-to-time. We are committed to ensuring that workplace concerns brought to our attention are addressed in a timely and fair manner.

Concerns can include matters such as: employment-related concerns; workplace safety; unlawful discrimination, sexual harassment, or retaliation; violations of University policies; violations of local, state, or federal laws; misuse of University resources; fraud; and other types of concerns.

Employees are encouraged to discuss concerns with supervisors. Often, open communication can help resolve questions and concerns. However, we recognize that in some situations, employees may feel more comfortable first obtaining guidance from Human Resources. Employees can contact Human Resources at or 503.943.8484.

Faculty members with concerns should follow procedures set out in the Faculty Handbook.

There are situations when an employee may wish to report a concern in an anonymous manner. In such situations, any employee of the University can make a report via Syntrio (formally called Lighthouse Services, Inc.) This service is a third-party vendor that allows employees to share concerns in an anonymous manner with the University. Concerns can be shared via their 24-hour hotline service at 1-844-446-0007, or via their online reporting portal at Syntrio Anonymous Reporting

Please note that in some situations it may be difficult for the University to investigate and address an area of concern if there is insufficient information provided via an anonymous report. As such, we encourage employees to share as much information as possible, or make a report directly to Human Resources.

Please view the dispute resolution policy and procedures.

People walking near the Chapel of Christ the Teacher

Harassment and Discrimination

The University of Portland is committed to maintaining a safe environment free from all forms of unlawful harassment, as well as any violence, threats of violence, or intimidation by an administrator, faculty, staff, student, or visitor (including independent contractors) that impact the University or a member of the University community.

Learn more about harassment and discrimination

A person walking up the steps of Waldschmidt Hall

Work Injuries

All on-the-job injuries and job-related illnesses must be reported to your supervisor and the Office of Human Resources as soon as possible.

Learn more about workplace injuries

Franz Hall in Spring

Environmental Health and Safety

Environmental Health and Safety is available to assist the campus community in personal and workplace safety and health concerns. Additionally, the Environmental Health and Safety program maintains regulatory compliance requirements through the publication of policies, employee training, and building inspections.

Learn more about Environmental Health and Safety

Email us at

Our office hours are Monday-Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.