Experience Immersion | University of Portland

Experience Immersion

Apply to an Immersion!
Immersions are a valuable way to learn from and immerse yourself in diverse communities. These three-day to three-week experiences provide students with a hands-on, close-up view of different populations and socioeconomic issues in Oregon, Washington, other parts of the United States, and other countries. Through partnering with community organizations and talking with members of the community, participants hear stories of injustice, strength, and beauty. These stories connect with historical and systemic contexts and related social issues. Participants are invited to consider how what their experience connects with what they are learning in their courses and how they can take action.

We are currently planning for safe in-person immersions taking into considerations the needs of our participants and our partners and being mindful of CDC guidelines. If you have concerns or questions, please let us know (savoia@up.edu).

 Click the links below to learn more:

“All this used to be a section of a textbook that was glazed over within a whitewashed curriculum, but to stand where they stood, on the pavement where blood was spilled and slaves walked in chains, in the air that filled and escaped their lungs, we are changed. We understand more about what matters and what still needs to be done, and we feel the scars of what they felt. I have gained a sense of courage through them and for them, and I am confident that this feeling will keep burning in me as I find my feet planted in Portland once again.”

--Hannah Schoen '17, Civil Rights Immersion participant, May 2016 


Browse through the possibilities and contact the Program Manager for Immersions, Erin Savoia (savoia@up.edu) or the student immersion coordinators for more information.

 Rural Immersion - visit to a pepper farm

Above photo: Participants on the Rural Immersion sample peppers at Alvarez Organic Farms