Program Details for Students

Student Program Details

If you're interested in participating in an immersion, first read the Moreau Center Core Commitments to understand what our programs are all about. The below description will give you a sense of what the immersion process looks like from first being selected to participate through returning from your immersion experience. 

Ready to apply? Click here!

The Immersion Process

  • Step 1: Preparation

    After applying and being selected for an immersion trip you will participate in the pre-immersion preparation process. Immersion participants will join two preparation seminars in the fall semester (Fridays 4-6pm). Spring break and summer immersions will have two spring semester prep seminars, as well (Fridays 4-6pm). Additional meetings and group bonding activities will be planned by student leaders. These are intended for team building, sharing of important logistic information, and reflection on themes that will be deepened through the immersion itself. Immersion participants commit to attending all pre-immersion seminars and meetings. We understand that conflicts may arise; participants should communicate any conflicts with their student leader as soon as possible and determine how they will make up any missed seminars or meetings. Students going on spring or summer immersions will also be expected to participate in fundraising activities. Read more about how our trips are funded at our FAQs

  • Step 2: On Immersion

    On your immersion, you will be accompanied by two student Immersion Coordinators and two University of Portland staff/faculty accompaniers, usually including one Moreau Center for Service and Justice staff. The student coordinators and Moreau Center Program Manager for Immersions will take care of the logistics for the immersion in collaboration with community partners. During the immersion, we are guests and visitors of our community partners; openness and flexibility are essential. While immersions vary in terms of activities, each will include opportunities to engage with the local community and learn about the critical issues impacting its members. We endeavor to learn the historical context of the social justice focus of the immersion as well as the strengths and solutions proposed by the community. While some immersions include opportunites for direct service, the emphasis is on listening, learning, and reflecting with each other and the communities and organizations we are meeting with. 

    Immersions are planned with simplicity in mind, and students should expect to be flexible and adaptable to new experiences. Housing will usually be shared spaces amongst the group in locations like cabins, school gyms and churches. On most immersions, meals will be prepared by the participants and served buffet style. Meals are usually vegetarian. Most dietary needs can be accommodated. Immersions generally include time spent walking and standing as we explore neighborhoods and sometimes farms, gardens, or other off sidewalk locations. We are eager to work with students and provide information so they can feel confident to participate in the immersion experience. Please reach out to us with questions and accommodation needs.If you have disability related access needs, please reach out to Accessible Education Services at For immersion-specific questions, please reach out to Erin Savoia in the Moreau Center for Service and Justice at

  • Step 3: Reentry, Integration, and What's Next

    While the actual immersion trip has a start and end date, the full experience is a journey that is never truly over. More than an end goal, we believe that the immersion itself is a starting point for ongoing reflection and critical engagement of the realities of our local and global community. For this reason, participants commit to meeting at least once upon return from the trip to continue processing, sharing stories, and determining next steps toward connecting the immersion experience to life at the University of Portland and beyond. Your Immersion Coordinators, Immersion accompaniers, and other Moreau Center staff members are here as a resource to assist as you draw meaning from the immersion experience and explore ways to integrate it into your personal and academic life.

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