Campus Volunteer Coordinators (CVCs)
Campus Volunteer Coordinators (CVCs) are our amazing student leaders who act as a liaison, developing a close relationship with a specific community organization and promoting and arranging ongoing service with that organization for University of Portland students. The CVC will both serve directly with the organization and encourage their peers in volunteerism while developing a clear path for service for UP students. They will meet with the Moreau Center's Program Manager for Community Partnerships every week for support and to check in regarding the evolving strengths and needs of the partnership. CVCs are able to apply the relationship building and volunteer management skills they develop in their personal and professional life.
Our Current CVC Partnerships

Roosevelt High School SUN
The Roosevelt High School SUN CVC recruits for UP volunteers to participate in the Roosevelt High School SUN program in St. Johns, primarily offering academic support, mentorship, and enrichment activities for high school students in after school programming. Students can also distribute food from their food panty, organize food donations, and volunteer in their clothing closet.

Elementary SUN CVC
The Elementary SUN CVC will recruit volunteers to build relationships with elementary school students at César Chávez and James John Elementary through playing games, tutoring and doing activities together after school. It is a safe, supportive environment for kids, and they love having UP students come hang out with them! SUN Programs operate Mondays through Thursdays.

L'Arche Portland CVC
L’Arche is a group of “People with and without intellectual disabilities sharing life, creating home, and building meaningful relationships together”. The L'Arche CVC will recruit volunteers to come to L'Arche homes on a weekly basis as well as plan fun events for the UP and L'Arche community both on and off campus.