Your First Year | University of Portland

Your First Year

The Shepard Academic Resource Center provides programs specifically for our first year students as they make the transition from high school to college. These programs are designed to address the core needs of a student new to the college setting, including academics, social, and emotional experiences.

First Year Advising Support

photo of a student getting advised, link to general advising information

The Shepard Academic Resource Center knows the advising process can be tricky and we are here to help get students moving in the right direction on their academic journey. Here you will find information about the role of the faculty advisor, advising resources, and links to curriculum information and major requirements.

General Advising Information

Welcome to College

picture of campus - link to differences between high school and college

High School vs. College

Learn the major differences between high school and college.

Welcome to College

picture of campus - link to the top 10 ways to get involved

Get Involved

Start getting involved in the UP community.

Top 10 Ways to Get Involved

picture of campus - link to how to get along with your roommate

Getting Along with Your Roommate

Share a room, share memories.

Getting Along with Your Roommate