Dulce Sanabria Garcia '21

Dulce Sanabria GarciaMajor: Biology, Sociology minor

EPI internship: WorldOregon

What are your summer internship responsibilities?

I’m interning with the International Visitor Program team, so I assist them with current projects and tasks that come up, whether it relates to virtual programming and outreach, research or other administrative duties.

Why did you apply for the Ethics and the Professions Internship program?

I applied to this program because Hunter from SARC told me about the opportunity and encouraged me to apply. I thought it was a great opportunity for me to pursue because of the emphasis placed on the role ethics plays in professional settings. This topic interested me because I envision myself doing community and social work, and I know ethics will play a strong role in my path towards that goal.

How did you find out about this internship program?

Hunter Coward from SARC told me about the program.

What have you learned so far?

I have definitely learned how to adapt to an online work setting. I know this was something new for the team at WorldOregon as well and seeing how an organization transitions has been very interesting.

What has been your favorite moment as an intern?

One of my favorite moments has been having the opportunity to listen to the other interns about their particular experiences and reflections in their own placement organization. I think I definitely learned a lot from them and gained curiosity and knowledge about industries outside of my own interests.

Why do you believe internships are important for undergraduate students?

As the first person in my family to go to college, I didn’t realize that participating in internships is almost expected of you as an undergraduate student. Usually internships play a large role in gaining experience. While that sentiment holds true to my experience, this internship was important to me because it allowed me to explore a career path that deviates from my declared major. I think internships are equally as important for people who are unsure about their career path or curious about another passion and allows them to explore that a little more.

Why did you come to the University of Portland? 

I needed a school that was close to home and family. I also knew that the University of Portland has good academics and strong connections to the community.

What other experiences have made your time at UP unique?

Being the first person in my family that has gone to college has made my experience at UP unique in it of itself. Getting involved with the First Generation (FGEN) community made me feel supported and has been a large part of my time at the university. Being involved with the Moreau Center has also been an important part of my experience and is something I will miss when I graduate.

What are some of your favorite memories at UP?

One of my favorite memories at UP has been participating in the Moreau Center’s Border Immersion. I have met so many amazing folks through the program, and it has strongly reinforced my dedication to social justice. This year I also had the opportunity to coordinate the immersion which allowed me to grow professionally, in addition to creating wonderful connections both with fellow students and leaders in immigration education. These experiences have helped create the sense of belonging I lacked on this campus.

What are your plans after you graduate?

I would like to further my education and go to graduate school, but my most immediate plan is to build experience through a job, internship, or volunteer experience.

How did the conversations about ethics during your internship influence how you will approach your plans after graduation?

One of the things I have learned through my conversations is that morality and ethics play a role not only in decision making, but it in the way a company is run, and in the way that people hold professional relationships. I learned that when organizational or professional values and ethics do not align with your own, it can be very difficult to efficiently function as an employee. This has made me aware that I would like to get to a point where I can prioritize a workplace that allows and encourages its employees to show up as their full selves, including their values, and that allows a space for growth in these values and morality.