Jack Jensen '23

Majors: Philosophy & Biologyjack-jensen

EPI internship: WorldOregon

What were your summer internship responsibilities?

I worked under both the International Visitor Program (IVP) and the Global Conversations Program. My work with IVP was largely split between spending time with international visitors and writing proposals for new potential visitor groups. For the Global Conversations Program, I made preparations for the upcoming “Diplomacy Begins Here” conference hosted by WorldOregon.

How did you find out about the Ethics and the Professions Internship program, and why did you apply?

I first discovered EPI at a screening hosted by the Dundon-Berchtold Institute. I’ve always been interested in applied ethics, and EPI seemed to be a perfect blend of that and actual work experience.

What did you learn?

I learned a lot about the daily routine of nonprofit work. In particular, my proposal writing gave me a lot of insight into the close relationship between government agencies, nonprofits, and corporations. Through conversations on ethics with the WorldOregon team, I also learned about how the organization stays true to their values when faced with ethical dilemmas.

What was your favorite moment as an intern?

This is a tough one, but if I had to choose, I would pick talking with some Iraqi high school students while giving them a tour of the UP campus.

Why do you believe internships are important for undergraduate students?

Internships are important both for learning the type of job/career you want and for gaining valuable soft skills that will help you in any career.

What tips do you have for students wanting an internship?

Apply to whatever you’re interested in, but don’t worry too much about how it will tie in exactly to your future career. Even if you end up doing something completely different after graduation, the experience gained and relationships formed are still valuable in themselves.

What other experiences have made your time at UP unique?

I’ve been a member of the UP ethics bowl during all my three years here.

How did the internship influence how you will approach your plans after graduation?

While I’m currently pursuing a path unrelated to my work at WorldOregon, the internship has made me a lot more receptive to a career in international affairs, either in the nonprofit sector or as a foreign service officer in the government.

How did the conversations about ethics during your internship influence how you will approach your plans after graduation?

During my ethics conversations, my questions focused a lot on important virtues to develop in the workplace and how people respond to ethical dilemmas that arise in their work. These are fascinating questions, and I would love to build on my experience here by pursuing them in graduate school and/or in my own life.

On more general note, though, I think the most important skill that the conversations improved was active listening. The ability to truly listen and respond to others is essential for productive, critical conversations in today’s world.