Jordyn Mayer '21

Jordyn MayerMajor: Organizational Communication 

EPI internship: Portland Monthly Magazine

What are your summer internship responsibilities?

My responsibilities at Portland Monthly Magazine were writing digital and print stories, writing a weekly roundup of local Portland arts and culture, fact checking stories before they went to print, and attending meetings with the editorial team. In addition to my responsibilities at the magazine I also had weekly 2:1 meetings with members of the DB ethics institute, cohort meetings with my fellow interns, and ethical discussions with editors at the magazine.

Why did you apply for the Ethics and the Professions Internship program?

I applied for the Ethics and the Professions Internship program because I was interested in the opportunity to challenge myself intellectually and professionally and utilize an ethical perspective to frame different issues in the workplace while having conversations about the role of ethics in professional ambitions and work environments.

How did you find out about this internship program?

It was recommended to me by a professor at the University.

What have you learned so far?

I have learned how to challenge myself and utilize my curious nature to develop a deep understanding about ethics in the professional world and how to be a journalist who holds integrity and compassion for the people in our community. I have also learned how to be a successful employee even during the uncertain time of teleworking and virtual connections.

What has been your favorite moment as an intern?

My favorite moment as an intern was writing a story about the Oregon Symphony. Having the opportunity to speak with creative members and the CEO of the Symphony in order to write a story that shown a light on the incredible programming that they have been working on to support members of the Portland community was very meaningful. The ability to pay homage to the arts during this time was a great honor and I hope that through this opportunity, I was able to impart the deep commitment that the Symphony has to our community and the impact that the arts has on our culture and world as a whole.

Check out this story and others that Jordyn wrote for Portland Monthly during her internship!

Why do you believe internships are important for undergraduate students?

I believe that internships offer undergraduate students the opportunity to be members of the professional world while giving them permission to ask questions, make mistakes, and learn how to be successful professionals in whatever career they choose to pursue.

Why did you come to the University of Portland?

I came to the University of Portland as a student of two professors who raised me on UP soccer games, office hours, and afternoons walking through the quad. The UP community had always been a part of me and I wanted to experience college here for myself.

What other experiences have made your time at UP unique?

During my time at UP I have had the great privilege of serving as a member of ASUP first as a sophomore class senator and then as the Speaker of the Senate. This experience greatly shaped my leadership, professional, and personal skills and it has remained on of my favorite experiences at the university. I have also been involved in dorm life as a community assistant, academic resource ambassador, I worked in the Alumni and Parent relations office, and had the opportunity to study abroad in Salzburg for a summer.

What are some of your favorite memories at UP?

Besides countless wonderful memories working long hours in the ASUP office I have also enjoyed attending soccer games with my friends and participating in CPB events such as dances and rock the bluff.

What are your plans after you graduate?

I will be graduating this December and hope to begin working in a career that follows my passions for qualitative research, interpersonal communication and creative thinking.

How did the conversations about ethics during your internship influence how you will approach your plans after graduation?

These ethical conversations that I had the privilege of having each week have led me to take into consideration how important my personal values and duties are. I hope to work for an organizations that places an emphasis on ethics, social justice, and cares for people in the community first and foremost.

Anything else you would like to add?

I would highly recommend this internship to anyone hoping to not only gain exceptional professional experience at an organization, but also develop a keen ability for having ethical conversations and working closely with a group of likeminded students.