Trunk Room Storage

UP conveniently offers students storage in our residence halls during the summer and/or during study abroad experiences. We know that many UP students fly to school from far away, or just don't want to have to move bulky dorm fridges and bedding home. Every UP residence hall is conveniently equipped with a trunk room (storage room) in the basement.

For $200 students are able to store the following for the entire summer, fall semester, or spring semester:

  • One mini-fridge
  • One microwave
  • Up to three 27-gallon bins or the equivalent sized boxes or other items

Boxes and bins will vary in size, but the dimensions of one 27-gallon bin are approximately 21 inches X 31 inches X 14 inches. See example below. Reasonably similar sized boxes may also be used.

Signing Up

Click here to sign up for trunk room storage for an upcoming semester or more


Trunk room storage costs $200 per term (summer, fall semester, or spring semester). The payment will need to be made before students move their items into the trunk rooms. Once you pay, it is helpful to save a screenshot of your receipt or confirmation email so that you can show it to your Hall Director. 

Pay $200 (for one term only)

Pay $400 (for two terms)

Important Notes

  • Studying abroad: each term of storage costs $200 (summer, fall, or spring), so students may store their items for the summer plus another semester for $400 total.
  • Items will be removed or donated if left behind beyond the term that a student has paid to store them for. 
  • Individual Hall Directors set trunk room opening times and students must coordinate with them to drop off and collect their items.


27-gallon-bin-dimensions 21x31x14 inches