Housing for Juniors, Seniors & Grad Students
NEW Lower Costs for 2025-26!
We are pleased to announce new lower housing and dining costs exclusively for rising juniors, seniors, and grad students.

2025-26 Sign Ups OPEN
Rising juniors, seniors, and grad students can sign up for their 2025-2026 housing now. Students must also pay their $200 non-refundable housing reservation deposit in order to finalize their housing for next year. Click below to take both steps today!
Introducing Two New Flexible Junior/Senior Meal Plans
A new Apartment-Only Meal Plan costs just $750 per semester.
A new Junior/Senior-Only Meal Plan costs just $1,200 per semester.
Introducing New Housing Junior/Senior Housing Rates
Private rooms in apartments cost $500 less per semester ($1,000 less per year).
Shared rooms in apartments cost $250 less per semester ($500 less per year).
Private rooms in residence halls cost $1,000 less per semester ($2,000 less per year).
Overall Value of Discounts
With the apartment meal plan, a private room in Haggerty/Tyson costs 21% less next year.
With the apartment meal plan, a shared room in Haggerty/Tyson costs 22% less next year.
With the junior/senior meal plan, a private room in any residence hall costs 23% less next year.
Monthly Rent Option
Did you know that UP offers an interest-free payment plan that enables students to pay their housing, meal, and tuition costs monthly, just like rent? Click here to learn more.
New Housing Options
New for 2025-2026, there are dedicated Juniors/Senior/Grad communities* in addition to the Haggerty & Tyson Apartments:
Fields & Schoenfeldt Hall will offer single rooms and suites for junior/senior/grad students only.
Lund Family Hall will offer doubles and suites for junior/senior/grad students only.
Kenna, Christie, Mehling, Villa Maria, and Corrado Halls will all offer a dedicated juniors/senior/grad wing for students who are interested!
*All dedicated Juniors/Senior/Grad communities will feature new staffing and programming models to offer students more flexibility, autonomy, and activities geared toward them.
Other Junior/Senior/Grad Housing Benefits
- No need to feel rushed by off-campus landlords
- Roommate flexibility (you don't have to sign a binding lease now with a big group of people who you may not fully know)
- No need to worry about putting gas, water, electric, or internet bills in your name
- No big security or move-in deposits; just a $200 reservation deposit
- Use financial aid versus having to pay out of pocket for housing and food
- Convenience
- Community
- Daily shared bathroom cleanings by professionals
- Fully-furnished rooms, suites, and apartments
- 24/7 security and safety
- 24/7 on-call maintenance staff
- Free Winter Break Housing (new!)
- 12-month housing option in Lund Family Hall (new!)
- Free laundry in all halls starting August 2025 (new!)
Comparing Room & Board Rates: Current (24-25) vs. Next Year (25-26)
The new rates below are exclusively for rising juniors, seniors, and grad students. UP's standard four meal plans will still be available for these students but are not listed below.
Product | Current Rate (2024-25) | New Rate (2025-26) | Savings |
Traditional Hall Shared Room | $5,400 | $5,400 | Current rate is LOCKED IN! |
Traditional Hall Private Room | $7,200 | $6,200 | $1,000/semester or $2,000/year |
HagTy Apartment Shared Room | $6,250 | $6,000 | $250/semester or $500/year |
HagTy Apartment Private Room | $8,050 | $7,550 | $500/semester or $1,000/year |
NEW HagTy Apartment-Only Meal Plan | N/A (new!) | $750 | $1,650/semester or $3,300/year (compared to Meal Plan 1) |
NEW Junior/Senior/Grad Student Meal Plan | N/A (new!) | $1,200 | $1,200/semester or $2,400/year (compared to Meal Plan 1) |
2025-26 Annual Cost Estimate Comparison
The pricing, new meal plan options, and free winter break housing options (listed above) are only available to rising juniors, seniors, and graduate students, defined by the Office of Residence Life as students who will have been out of high school and in college for two full academic years or more at the start of the 2025-2026 academic year.