Case Review

Students found in violation of University policies or standards of conduct by the Division of Student Affairs and/or its designee(s) through the student conduct process have the opportunity to request a case review. Written requests for a case review must be submitted to the Office of Residence Life by the student within five (5) business days of being informed of the original decision. Failure to submit a case review request within that time period will render the original decision final. Generally if a case review is filed, the sanctions issued as a result of the original decision will not become effective until the review process is complete.

Case reviews may be submitted by completing a "Case Review Request Form." The Case Review Request Form must be completed in its entirety and contain the student's signature. Case reviews may be based solely on one of the following criteria:

  1. The procedures outlined in Life on the Bluff were not followed during the student's original hearing, or
  2. New and significant evidence is available which was unknown and could not have been known at the time of the hearing.

The severity of sanction is not considered a legitimate ground for case review.

After a case review request is submitted to the Office of Residence Life within five (5) business days following the original decision, the Office of Residence Life and/or its designee(s) will provide a written response to the case review request. This response may include any information that the hearing officer(s) regards as relevant to the review, including any information used by the hearing officer(s) in making his or her determination.

The case reviewer is determined by the type of hearing and decision made. The case reviewer will have the opportunity to review the student's conduct file, case review request, and the written response from the original hearing officer(s). The reviewer may then do any of the following: (1) refer the case back for more information, (2) request that the case be reheard, or (3) make a decision regarding the case on the basis of the information provided. Generally, the case review itself will not involve an additional meeting with the charged student. Separate case review routes exist depending on the original hearing officer and whether decisions of suspension or dismissal were the original outcome.

Case Review Request Form