Wildfire Resources
For Los Angeles Area Pilots
Here on The Bluff, we are closely monitoring the wildfires in Pacific Palisades and the surrounding Los Angeles area. Please know that we are praying for your safety and well-being, as well as the safety and well-being of your families and all impacted by the wild fires. Now and in the days ahead, know that you will never be far from our thoughts.
If returning to campus early is of assistance, please know this is possible. Contact the Office of Residence Life for more formation.
- Office of Residence Life: reslife@up.edu / 503.943.7205
If there is anything that we at the University of Portland can do to support you, please do not hesitate to be in touch. Please reach out to:
- Office of Student Affairs: studentaffairs@up.edu / 503.943.8532
- Office of Campus Ministry: ministry@up.edu / 503.943.7131
- Office of Student Accounts: stu-acct@up.edu / 503.943.7347
On behalf of our Pilots community everywhere, know we are holding you in our prayers. May God bless you and keep you safe.
Fr. John Donato
Vice President for Student Affairs